FOLLOW THE MONEY is a non-partisan directory and information center to educate voters. does not endorse any of the organizations below and is only intended for informational purposes.

Note: By clicking the following links, you can navigate the sites below while keeping the main tabs on top. When ever you are finished completing your research below, just click one of the top links to return to the main site.

Open Secrets (

The Center for Responsive Politics is a non partisan, non-profit research group based in Washington, D.C. that tracks money in politics, and its effect on elections and public policy. The Center conducts computer-based research on campaign finance issues for the news media, academics, activists, and the public at large. The Center’s work is aimed at creating a more educated voter, an involved citizenry, and a more responsive government.

The Institute on Money in State Politics

The National Institute on Money in State Politics is a nonpartisan 501(c)3 tax-exempt charitable organization dedicated to accurate, comprehensive and unbiased documentation and research on campaign finance at the state level. The Institute develops searchable databases, makes them available to the public online, and analyzes the information to determine the role campaign money plays in public policy debates in the states. The Institute also publishes studies and provides technical assistance and training to reporters, academic researchers and public interest groups that work on state policy issues.