Political Issues: Drug Policy

Important Drug Related Issues from drug control and crime prevention to consumer watchdog in America’s healthcare system.

Drugs – Information on drug control and crime prevention. Specific topics include drug abuse and demand reduction; drug supply reduction.

Drugs – Tips on talking to kids about drugs, as well as information on specific drugs, slang names for drugs, what they look like, and frequently asked questions.

External Links to Drug Related Issues

Rehabcenter.net is committed to helping people recover from addiction by finding treatment that works. Our free, national helpline provides confidential referrals to respected rehabilitation centers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As a leading recovery advocate, Rehabcenter.net also provides a comprehensive resource library on substance use disorders.  Our articles cover new developments in addiction medicine, what to expect in rehab and how to sustain a healthy, drug-free life for lasting recovery.

Drugs – Consumer watchdog in America’s healthcare system. CDER’s best-known job is to evaluate new drugs before they can be sold

Drugs – These recommendations are intended to help clinicians prioritize use of antiviral drugs for treatment and prevention of influenza