Unemployment is the state of an individual looking for a paying job but not having one. Unemployment does not include full-time students, the retired, children, or those not actively looking for a paying job.
External Links to Unemployment
BLS Household Survey Data In February, the number of unemployed persons, at 14.9 million, was essen- tially unchanged, and the unemployment rate remained at 9.7
Department of Labor In addition to helping workers and their families, the Unemployment Insurance programs play a key role in helping businesses, communities, and the nation’s
Important Issues to Unemployment
Cnn Money The number of Americans filing for initial unemployment insurance fell last week, the government said Thursday.
Time With employment in double digits and a full recovery a way off, lawmakers are looking for ways to boost employment. It was easier in the early US. April 1 Update: Congress has adjourned without acting to approve an unemployment extension. The current unemployment extensions are set to expire on April 5, 2010 and the COBRA subsidy expired on March 30. Congress is not expected to act on a new extension until they return on April 12. Hopefully, the extension will be retroactive when passed.