Herbalife Buttons
These unique buttons use catch phrases that people want to here to entice the user to interact with the Herbalife distributor. When someone overweight sees the button, “Lose Weight now, Ask me How”, this is something they would like the answer to as it opens instant dialog.
How it Works?
Once you get the persons attention, you only have a few minutes to get them to try something they have been looking for their entire life. Even the buttons that say ” I lost a “blank” number of pounds, ask me how? (you fill in what you lost with a sharpie marker) Once again, it encourages face to face interaction and you would tell your story and suggest the 3-day trial. Many of the distributors are self-employed and make money selling the products you are seeking to help keep weight under control.
Once you receive a response from someone inquiring about losing weight, you ask them. “Are you seriously or just curious?” This is a very important question because if they say serious, you want to present them with your 3-day trial and spend some time with them. If they say curious, you want to hand them your information and ask them to contact you when they are serious. Share some testimonials with the person you are talking to and before you know it, you have their phone number. Since the mid 80’s, this simple process of wearing a button has worked for distributors around the country.
These Herbalife buttons are 100% made in the United States and are made with the highest quality materials. If you want multiple buttons or sets, use the “Make Offer” feature and negotiate a discounted price. The more you buy, the larger discount we can offer.
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